At the International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC), we are committed to disseminating valuable research widely and affordably. To support this commitment, we have established a transparent pricing structure for our article processing charges.

The standard APC for publishing in the IJMC is GBP 400. This fee supports the range of activities associated with the management and operation of the journal, including rigorous peer review, journal development, and the maintenance of our open-access digital platform, ensuring that all articles are freely accessible immediately upon publication.

Special Waivers and Discounts

  1. CIRCLE Conference Delegates: Publication fees are waived for delegates or participants of the CIRCLE conference who present their papers at the event. This waiver is part of our ongoing support for the academic community engaged in our associated conferences.
  2. Members of CIRCLE (institutions, individuals): Authors affiliated with CIRCLE member institutions receive special discounts on APCs.
  3. PhD Students: Recognizing the financial constraints often faced by PhD students, the IJMC offers special discounted rates to help young researchers publish their work. PhD students are encouraged to contact the editorial office for more details on eligibility and the application process for these discounts.
  4. Reviewers: In appreciation of the valuable contributions made by our peer reviewers, the IJMC provides special discounts on APCs for reviewers. These discounts are a gesture of our gratitude for the critical role reviewers play in maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal.
  5. Developing countries: Authors affiliated with institutions in developing countries are eligible for APC discounts. Please contact the journal editor to discuss eligibility.

For more information on our APCs, including details on how to apply for waivers or discounts, please contact our editorial office directly. We are dedicated to supporting our authors and ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder the dissemination of high-quality research.