The International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC) developed in 2002 from its predecessor The Journal of Management Cases. The IJMC is the official journal of the CIRCLE Research Centre. CIRCLE (Centre for International Research Consumers, Locations and their Environments) is a virtual research group spreading over 70 universities.

IJMC has three editors and an associate editor. The editors have geographic responsibilities so that articles and cases can be accepted from the international domain. Covering Eastern Europe, Western and Central Europe and the rest of The World.  The IJMC has published papers from academics in the USA, Australia, Europe, The Asian subcontinent and South America. It is truly an international peer assessed source of output.

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The journal also prides itself in double-blind refereeing papers from not only well established academics but young researchers. We hope that you will look at the notes for contributor’s page and welcome your submission.

Since 2006/07 the journal has been produced in a CD-Rom format. This enables subscribers to produce extra copies for educational puposes.

We are also proud to be affiliated with the World Research Organization.  Please visit their site by clicking on the logo below.

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Circle International is, above all, a rich and warm community, advancing academic research and providing a warm and supportive environment to its students.