
The International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity, in alignment with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As a journal committed to ethical scholarly publishing, we adhere to COPE’s core practices, which are designed to support the integrity of the scholarly record through transparent and rigorous ethical policies.

IJMC follows the comprehensive core practices established by COPE, which include guidelines on handling misconduct, ensuring ethical oversight, managing conflicts of interest, maintaining transparency in peer review processes, and fostering integrity in data and reproducibility. These practices are essential for addressing ethical issues that arise in publication and fostering a culture of honesty and integrity.

Handling of Misconduct

In cases of suspected misconduct, whether before or after publication, IJMC takes decisive action. This includes investigating allegations thoroughly, ensuring the process is fair and confidential, and implementing corrective actions, which may involve retractions or corrections of the published work.

Transparency in Peer Review

Our peer review process is transparently described, adhering to COPE’s guidelines to ensure it is fair and devoid of conflicts of interest. We provide ongoing training for editors and reviewers to uphold these standards, reflecting our commitment to the ethical review and dissemination of research.

Ethical Oversight

IJMC ensures that all research involving humans or animals is conducted in accordance with ethical standards. We require authors to obtain approval from ethics committees and provide informed consent where necessary, ensuring that all research we publish adheres to high ethical standards.

Intellectual Property

We are committed to respecting intellectual property rights and expect our authors to adhere to best practices in citing and obtaining permissions for reused material. Our policies on plagiarism and redundant publication are clear and strictly enforced.

Plagiarism Prevention

IJMC takes a firm stance against plagiarism, which includes the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work. All submissions to the IJMC are routinely checked for originality through Turnitin to identify any instances of overlap with existing published texts.

In cases where plagiarism is detected, the IJMC takes decisive action based on the severity of the infringement. Responses may include rejection of the manuscript, requests for revision to properly credit the original sources, or, in severe cases, barring the author(s) from submitting future works. We also notify the affiliated institutions of the authors if significant ethical breaches are found.