Submission guidelines

Abstract format:

Please send a Word document to Louise Reid from University of Gloucestershire:

Include title/s, author name/s, institution/s, country/ies.

The abstract should be between 150-300 words in length.

The main body should include:

A brief introduction or background/key issues from the literature,

An overview of the methods and

Results/findings if any.

Five keywords.

Deadline for abstract submission: March 1st, 2021

Acceptance notice: within 14 days from date of arrival

A selection of the conference papers will be considered for publication in the following journals:

To submit the full paper please follows the instructions:

  1. The length of the paper should not exceed 22 pages; the minimum length is 11 pages of standard typescript (A4 size; font Arial; size 12; single line spacing, margins 2.5 cm).
  2. For publication in International Journal of Management Cases and International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing follow the instructions below:
  • Please supply the text of your article in a Microsoft Word file. All of the text must have the minimum of word processing features.

Give your article a title, and list all of the authors at the top of the page. Include an abstract of no more than 300 words and also a list of keywords.

Submission of the full article goes to prof. Razaq Raj from Leeds Beckett University

Paragraph features and layout

The text should be in Arial (size 12) using the following features:

  • Single-line spacing
  • Left-aligned text, unjustified
  • A single space between sentences
  • A single carriage return between paragraphs
  • No additional paragraph formatting, e.g. Word headings or style


If the pattern of headings is complex, please distinguish them by making main headings bold, the next level normal and the subheadings in italics.

Display features

Do not use any automatic features of Word-like blobbed and numbered lists. Put theses in via your keyboard with the numbers, blobs and tab spacing. Set up tables and figures as simple as possible so that they can be converted for typesetting. Only cross-reference tables and figures in the main file; at the very least, put them on separate pages-ideally, send additional Word or Excel files.

Warning: Do not, under any circumstances, send graphics or pictures embedded in Word Files. Most Word graphics are inextricable from text files. Please type out your captions separately in Word and send in a hard copy of how you would like the diagram to look.

The text

For the word, be as consistent as you can with spelling, references, and nomenclature.

  • Use English ‘connection’, ‘colour’, ‘capitalize’, spellings in preference to US ‘x’, ‘or’, and ‘z’. If there is variable spelling, please use your word processor to check that you have used it consistently.
  • Numbers should be words from one to ten and in figures thereafter using commas to separate large ones e.g. 1,000,000.
  • Where you use a blobbed list, the entries should be punctuated as sentences – with capital letters and full stops – where they involve a verb, like this one.
  • If the list is part of a sentence like the one for paragraph features above no punctuation will be required until the last blob.
  • Punctuation should be kept to a minimum and full stops only left for genuine abbreviations like e.g. or ibid. (n.b. there is no extra space) For references please see below.
  • Capitalisation of initial letters should also be kept to a minimum. Only dignify titles with capitals where a specific managing director, professor or senior lecturer is mentioned. The initial letters of proper names and titles of books and magazines are capitalized; the titles of articles and the headings in your article will not be. Do not capitalize the internet.
  • Only the initial letter of the first word of a heading or the article title should be capitalized – follow the style of this page. No full stops at the end of headings.
  • Spell out the contents of the acronym in brackets after it; the International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC). For subsequent references, DSA is fine.
  • Use en dashes – like these – without space for parenthesis. Don’t worry if you cannot find these on your machine, they can be put in later. All number series, particularly page references to articles in endnotes, should be separated by an en dash without space: e.g. pp 228 – 412.
  • Use single ‘smart’ (i.e. curly) quotes for all quotations and inverted commas, except where there is a quotation inside a quotation, then use double ones.
  • Use conventional abbreviations for quantities, without spaces between the number and the measure: so £10m, 35% or 25kg, and no extra full stops are required.
  • Show percentages as a figure (35%) rather than spelling it out (percent).


The list of books, articles and sources referred to is placed at the end of the article. It is important that the Harvard referencing system is adopted.


  • The handling of author initials
  • Of multiple authors if there are no more than three use et al (no full stops)
  • Book and journal article titles receive contrasting treatment
  • There is no full stop with p or pp
  • An en dash between the page numbers with no full stop at the end

Also, US spelling conventions are observed in the spelling of US references, following the original.